Removing chewing gum from trousers


Registered User
Got some gum welded to a good pair of canvas trousers. It had been dumped under the arm of the airplane seat I was sitting in the other night and it was only when I got up that I realised it was there.

Anyone got any hints?
Stick it in the freezer overnight; the gum will harden and should be easy to scrape off with a blunt knife.
Put a little white spirits on a cloth and just rub it off. It will not damage the fabric and works perfectly!
Heard of DrM's remedy before. It's so hot today that it might be an even better idea to wear the trousers in a freezer!:D
Thanks for the replies.

Dr M - I have to freeze my trousers?? Won't that ruin them?

Mts - Could the white spirits bleach the trousers?


I have removed chewing gum from a number of garments, mostly inadvertantly picked up on plane/cinema seats, and my mum has used this trick for years and the white spirits has never damaged anything. Just put a little on a dry cloth, don't soak it, and rub the chewing gum. You night need to do it a few times to remove it. Wash the trousers normally straight away. Its a hell of a lot easier than freezing and scraping!
Rather than freezing the trousers, you could put an ice pack on the affected area.
White spirit is alcohol so it won't bleach anyhing ... might harden the blood vessels, enlarge the liver but bleach it, no
RE: Queenspawn post

White spirit is not an alcohol it is a petroleum distillate and byproduct of oil refining!
Got chewing gum stuck on a good wool suit a little while back. Ice wasn't any good at getting rid of the gum that had made its way into the fabric, so took it to the dry cleaners and pointed it out to them. They did a good job.
Carpenter said:
RE: Queenspawn post

White spirit is not an alcohol it is a petroleum distillate and byproduct of oil refining!

I'd imagine Queenspawn is talking about methylated spirits, which is derived from alcohol. So which is it should be used, white spirits or methylated spirits?