Removing a rounded nut

Betsy Og

Registered User
sump plug 13mm nut. Ford fiesta 97

Wrench wasnt shifting it (must get a better lever), so used a socket plus levearage, bloody socket cracked skelping the nut. Tried wrench again but no good, nut now starting to get rounded.

Must get a new plug obviously but, apart from that, any ideas of how to get it shifted?

  1. Maybe vice grips (seeing as its already totalled).
  2. I have a small vice but dunno if manouverable enough to get locked onto nut & then twist
  3. sacrifice a spanner (also cheapo) by welding it onto the nut (bit radical)
  4. try to cut a groove in the nut with an angle grinder and get a large screwdriver fitting on a drill (dont think I'd even try this, bound to do more damage)
  5. removed the sump altogether and then get the vice at it (not sure how easily this is done so not first option either).
  6. Is there any type of socket that squeezes the nut before then turning it (for rounded nuts).
Am I right in thinking that 1/2" drive sockets are the best to get?, is this the size that air compressors "guns" use? (in case I ever get one).
Vice grips should do it - it shouldnt be that tight. Use a good one though, have struggled in the past with cheap vice grips and just better off paying the extra for a good set.
soak it in WD40 for a while first. A whack with a hammer is also always a good idea to free seized nuts (oo-er:eek:).
Can you get a stillson wrench on it? One good grip and you'll have it open.
... A whack with a hammer is also always a good idea to free seized nuts (oo-er:eek:).
Not a great idea when its a sump plug attached to a sump filled wil oil.

Vice-grips or mole-wrench, try for the self-adjusting type with rounded jaws, known as a Lever-wrench (US made).
if the vice-grip dosent work try a "surface drive socket" should pick one up in a good tool store.
thanks guys (gals?, must be pc :D), I picked up a new plug and vice grips at lunchtime so I'll give it a shot this evening.

Failing that (dear God no !!) I'll make enquiries about those other sockets/wrenches.
If that fails - try cutting a line into the head of the nut with a hacksaw - just deep enough to get a screwdriver in and unscrew the bast**d!

Good luck...
If that fails - try cutting a line into the head of the nut with a hacksaw - just deep enough to get a screwdriver in and unscrew the bast**d!

Good luck...

If ya cant get it with a vice grips, there's no chance you'll get it with a screw driver.
Get a good large vise grip with shiny new teeth on it and adjust the nut on the handle so you can barely close the vise grip on the sump plug. Then adjust the nut a little more and squeeze that vise grip closed for all you're worth. Might be handy to have else there as you might roar so much it will sound like the car fell on you! Then you have the best chance to open the plug. And mind the knuckles. Best of luck!!

If all else fails, get a mechanic weld another nut onto the rounded one. They can then be removed easily.
The vice grips sorted it (gave it a shot of WD40 as well), and got a new (quality) socket for the new sump plug so all's well.

First time using an inspection pit I put into a new garage/small shed so after a stuttering start its all worked out :)

... and never again to wiggle under a car on cold gravel with a toasty exhaust pipe 3cm from my nose and barely enough room to turn the wrench while grinding your elbow into the gravel, and thats before 15 minutes fumbling to get at the filter.....
... and never again to wiggle under a car on cold gravel with a toasty exhaust pipe 3cm from my nose and barely enough room to turn the wrench while grinding your elbow into the gravel, and thats before 15 minutes fumbling to get at the filter.....

Yes but think of all the money you saved on a service! Well worth climbin under the car if ya ask me!!
The vice grips sorted it (gave it a shot of WD40 as well), and got a new (quality) socket for the new sump plug so all's well.

First time using an inspection pit I put into a new garage/small shed so after a stuttering start its all worked out :)

... and never again to wiggle under a car on cold gravel with a toasty exhaust pipe 3cm from my nose and barely enough room to turn the wrench while grinding your elbow into the gravel, and thats before 15 minutes fumbling to get at the filter.....
Such luxury......Where do you live I'll pay you rent!!!