removal of dental benefit


Registered User
Does anyone out there understand the budget effects on dental benefits? According to the Dental Association it is a permanent removal of any benefit apart from examination. According to the Minister for Finance it is only for the year 2010 and it will then be restored gradually. My daughter paid PRSI for 3 years and is only now able to avail of dental benefit and now it is being taken away (she is 25).

This seems to have slipped through without many people commenting on it. What can we do about it apart from writting to the Minister?
Apparently optical benefit is the same too. Only eye test is covered, if you need glasses you pay total cost or do without. What a great caring government we have
It's one visit every 6 months + scale and polish and part payments towards certain tretments. In 2010 this will be reduced to examination only.
I usually get my teeth cleaned and polished once a year and it is covered by my PRSI.
Why pay PRSI if it isn't doing what it is taken for? A bit like road tax I guess.

I would like to continue getting my teeth cleaned yearly. Anyone have any idea how much it will cost in 2010? Any dentists on the forum who can answer this?
Apparently optical benefit is the same too. Only eye test is covered, if you need glasses you pay total cost or do without. What a great caring government we have

Is this part effective immediately
Sorry foxylady, I don't know. All we have is the statement from the Dental Association and it was mentioned also about optical benefit. The changes will come into effect in January 2010.
Does the current system cover one a check up every 6 months + cleaning?

Are all fillings included?
i've heard 2 different scenarios, 1st if you make an appointment b4 end of 2009 and have appointment in 2010 this will qualify for prsi, 2nd your visit needs to be in 2009 to qualify for prsi relief....anyone care to advise which is correct?