Remortgaging with same bank - do you need a solicitor?


Registered User
Looking at perhaps remortgaging do I need to get a solicitor involved even if I am going through the same bank? Also should the sols fee if yes be alot less then say the first time you bought the property?
Looking at perhaps remortgaging do I need to get a solicitor involved even if I am going through the same bank? Also should the sols fee if yes be alot less then say the first time you bought the property?


You may or may depends on the Bank and their procedures ..some do these inhouse, some do not.

If solicitor is needed legal fee will be substansially less ,if you budget for circa €1,000 including outlays (land reg etc..)and vat you will not be too far may be slightly less or more depending on all factors
Who is your mortage with? If you are getting a top up you won't need a solicitor but if you are remortgaging you will. Have you checked with your lender to see if you qualify for a top up?
"Who is your mortage with? If you are getting a top up you won't need a solicitor but if you are remortgaging you will."

This is not correct!!!! With some top up mortgages you do require a solicitor as this is a legal contract.
It is a top up and it would be with the Ulster bank I am half considering it but if the outlays are quite big probally won't
I was going to apply for a top-up with UB recently. I never went through with it in the end but from what I can remember they didn't mention anything about solicitor.
Did a Top-up ourselves last year (with same bank - AIB) The only outlay was €30 for a solicitor to do us up a Family Home Declaration as we weren't married. Other than that there were no expenses. Increased Life Assurance too though to cover value of top-up.
...........Other than that there were no expenses. Increased Life Assurance too though to cover value of top-up.

Increased Mortgage Protection Insurance to cover the total amount can be significant, depending on your current medical condition(s), jointly??

If you are now a lot older than when you first took out the original Mortgage, there could be a shock in store, also as I said above, if you or spouse/partner have developed any medical condition.

Nah both relatively young and healthy. actually that is one think I should look into have never even spoken to my Life assurance people since I originally took out the mortgage just see it coming out each month
"Who is your mortage with? If you are getting a top up you won't need a solicitor but if you are remortgaging you will."

This is not correct!!!! With some top up mortgages you do require a solicitor as this is a legal contract.

Most don't, and when a solicitor is required the fee should be relatively cheap.

Luckycharm, as your mortgage is with UB you will not require a solicitor to top up your mortgage if the amount you require is within UBs top up limits. There is some information on UB top ups [broken link removed].