Remitting to Ireland



I have been offered a position in the Soloman Islands. The salary offer is NET of local tax. Now my employer has offered to pay the salary taxes for me. I would wish to remit monthly to a bank account in Ireland. I will be paid in USD so a choice between opening a USD account in Ireland or bank converting to Euro at spot rate.
Concerned about possible default by Ireland and reversion to PUNT and possible foreign currency re-translation into PUNT at par by government.
Interested in hearing opinions,

Many thanks,
Honestly & it's a personal opinion I believe there is no chance of Ireland exiting the Euro or of default.

You saw whats happening with Greece & the French have a very interesting solution.

The proposal has three elements that would apply to debt falling due in 2011-13: half of the repayments would simply be rolled over and delayed for 30 years; another 20pc of the debt would be converted into 30-year bonds to be repaid by a European fund; and the remaining 30pc of the debt would be paid as originally scheduled.

This would relieve Greece of the need to repay 70pc of the debt falling due to participating private institutions over the next few years and, at the same time, allow those institutions to get some cash and a more secure promise of future payoffs.

So it seems to me that the can will be kicked down the road for as long as it takes for the PIIGS to sort their sovereign debt problems.

I don't see any breakup of the Euro on the horizon at anytime.