Reminder for Setting Up Toll Accounts


Registered User
My old credit card went the way of all good things last year and I had forgotten to update my e-flow account with my new Laser card details.

Luckily my epiphany came today about a trip last Sunday and I updated things today.

Because I had originally chosen a pay-at-the-end-of-the-month account I was able to change my details in time.

Such accounts are charged on the 12th of the month for trips made the previous month.

I realize that a lot of people have changed their cards and might not have remembered to upgrade all the accounts so please take note.

I have been through the annoying process of paying both the first reminder charge of circa €40 and the second charge of nearer €150 and simply cannot afford to do that at the moment and I suspect many others may be in the same position.

Yes, you have to make sure there is money in the account, but you get a discount from €3.00 if paid by cash to €2.50 - or so I was told today and I will be checking this next month.

I trust this reminder helps someone avoid one of their monstrous penalty charges.