Relocation tax credit


Registered User
My Girlfriend is relocating to a new job in Ireland(PAYE Position, 12mth contract). The new employer will not make a contribution towards reloc costs.
Can she claim some/all relocation costs against PAYE tax paid in 2006 as the relocation costs are considerable.
I've never heard of any tax credits/allowances for relocation expenses. If she is a self employed contractor then maybe she can offset some allowable expenses against tax. Her accountant should be able to advise in this situation. If she is PAYE then the only thing that I can think of are the expenses in employment credits available to certain classes of employee. See [broken link removed] for some info on these.

Oh - just checked the Revenue site and perhaps there is something of use [broken link removed]? I think it might relate to BIK exemption on certain relocation expenses paid by the employer though which doesn't seem to apply in this specific case?