Relocation - Subsistance allowance


Muscles Magoo

Can anybody tell me what are the generally accepted guidelines regarding an employer paying a subsistence allowance to a new employee who is in the process of seeking permanent accommodation in the area? The only guideline I have is that such allowances must be 'reasonable'.

In addition, does there have to be a minimum distance involved in order for an employer to be able to pay relocation expenses without deduction of tax?
The Revenue have a good guide on relocation allowances which is available on their website. It talks in general terms and does not set limits (from what I remember) and does not define relocation.

It is important that the relocation allowances are not packaged up as income.
Link to Revenue guide below;

[broken link removed]

You mention that the employee is looking for accommodation, so it might be worth noting that subsistence does not apply to travel to and from the main place of work.
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