Relocation in Limerick


Registered User

Just wondering if anyone really knows if there are lots of Co Council tenants being relocated to Westbury area (Corbally)? Have heard rumours but not much for definite. Not being snobby just don't want it to affect resale value of house and have 3 kids under 3 so want the safest area for them.
From what I have heard from one politician is that westbury won't be affected, but I would have my doubts as to how true that is considering the size and the fact that most houses in there are within the budget of the council. I do think people have been really worrying too much about this subject, but I do understand where your coming from.
Any idea what the budget of the council is? It is very worrying isn't. From what ive heard (grapevine only) they are buying in Dooradoyle, Caherdavin, Corbally, Rhebogue etc. and some small towns in County Limerick. From what I can gather unless you can afford to buy on the North Circular Road and places like that (which I can't) there is very little you can do. Hopefully it won't be as bad as we all are led to believe.
You have your hands full with 3 under 3. I have 2 under 3 and its mayhem at times but good!!
Yes i heard pretty much the same they have bought all over Limerick. The only real way to know is if you know someone in the Corporation/Council who can do a bit of research.The majority of the families are fine and have move in to areas without issue. However this friend may be able to find out if any "difficult" families are moving to the area.
Oh my God thats loads, I was hopin that maybe it would only be around €230 and this would keep them away from more expensive areas. I wonder will they be buying houses in Castletroy. There is alot of what was previous student houses for sale there, they are fine big houses at very reasonable prices and would suit the larger families?
Well it tends to be houses that are in need of no work at all so the student houses wouldn't appeal. They have tried to view some houses with us but we have managed to avoid dealing with them as it not exactly good for the reputation. Their budget is quite high which is the scary thing, but their criteria was no properties with management fees or in need of any real repair.
Thanks everyone. In principle, the idea of relocation is to be welcomed, but if it only exacerbates the anti-social problems by distributing them around the city, thenreckon I will move to Killaloe in a few years time maybe! There are plenty of houses for sale in Westbury below and around the 285k mark so I guess we will just have to wait and see. Can't move for another 5 years or so but need more space so was thinking of an extension as have a big garden.
Re: Relocation in Limerick aka regeneration

Ok, now I am worried. My public health nurse informed me that more than a few not-so-nice-to deal-with families have moved into Westbury. So much so that they have put off opening the Health Centre down the back until they have enough staff and security etc. This was in passing conversation about the area etc. Just came out of Tesco across the road where lots of dodgy youths were hanging around and beginning to think that we might move after all.

Question is: how far out of the city is relocation happening? We are thinking of Killaloe/Castleconnell/Murroe. But there are lots of new properties for sale in those areas under 285k which appears to be the cutoff point for the council. I guess the difference is that the public transport is not as readily available in those areas and will therefore be too far out for certain public housing tenants. I heard of a man from St. Mary's Pk who was offered a house in Westbury but turned it down as it was too far out of the city!

Any ideas please anyone?