relocating oil burner


Registered User
we have the oil tank and the burner right outside our kitchen window, such an eye sore! Can't open the windows on the back of the house due to the smell of burning fuel. Will like to move the whole thing to the end of the garden, asked a plumber about cost for this and he gave 600-700. This is if we dig the trench ourselves, does this sound reasonable?
Also, heard that moving the burner to the end of garden will make it less efficient, does it sound right?
Can anyone recomend a reliable plumber in the kildare area?
For every foot that heating pipes are under the ground outside, it is thought that you will lose 1%, extreme I know. the problem is when the pipes and insulation get wet, it isn't as affective. although you could use pipe work that comes in a well insulated pre made duct, not sure of price.
Does this price also include running armoured electrical cable to proposed site of boiler? or building new base for boiler and supports for oil tank? if not, then it sounds expensive, try and get three atleast quotes.
To be honest, it all depends on what you mean by "move the whole thing to the end of the garden". Is that 5 mtrs, 50 mtrs?

With the best will in the world and the best underground insulation, you will experience some heat loss (less efficiency) from the heated water coming back into the house from the boiler and your fuel pipe may be more prone to developing waxy residue in cold conditions, depending on whether you use kerosene or diesel. There is also the increased possibility of damage and a bigger challenge in detecting leaks with longer pipe runs.

What about saving the cost of this move and consider replacing the boiler with an indoors one and keeping all the heat inside?
It sounds like It might not be worth to move if that much heat is going to be lost. It might be a silly question but where are the boilers generally fitted in the average semi-detached estate? Have never seen them right outside anybodys windows.
Also I have seen abroad oil tanks buried in the ground, has anyone done this, is it much work involved, special tanks,etc...? It might be an easier solution to do this and just move the boiler to the side of the house then. Unfortunatly I don't have much space inside for an indoor one..
Others here might be able to confirm the requirements but I understood that there is a required distance that the boiler must be from the house and that the flue (chimney) must be a certain height.

The positioning of your tank and burner sounds dangerous from both a fire hazard and health risk from fumes.
The boiler and the tank are 1 metre from the house. Can anyone tell me where could I find if this safe? Really worried now, my kids bedrooms are at the back of the house and the vents in their rooms are there also. The smell comes through the vents sometimes.
You could try looking up the fitting instructions for your boiler on the manufactures web site, this would have all the info you need, Grant would look for 600mm between balanced flue terminal and door, window or vent, also get your boiler serviced with a flue gas analyzer to confirm your boiler is burning cleanly and that nothing naughty is in the products of combustion.
Thanks for all the tips, this is a great source of info, we have decided to move and replace the burner asap, better be safe than sorry.
Thanks for all the tips, this is a great source of info, we have decided to move and replace the burner asap, better be safe than sorry.

I wouldn't rush in to replacing it without checking it out first. They are costly items and it might only need a service along with the move.

This thread here gives a recommendation for a boiler service person in Kildare so might be worth your while to even give him a ring and see what he thinks is the way to go. If you have any idea of the age and make of the boiler he may well be able to give you some advice or might know someone who can help. I think I've heard in the past that oil burners can last up to 20 years if well looked after.
Thanks for all the tips, this is a great source of info, we have decided to move and replace the burner asap, better be safe than sorry.

You can just fit a high level flue (one that goes up over the eaves of the house. A lot cheaper and efficient that just upping and moving the whole lot. You can of course move the oil tank anything up to 30 metres away.

Heat loss in the run to and from the boiler is one of the best reasons to keep it as close as possible.

In any event spend a few quid on a carbon monoxide alarm for your kids bedrooms - burner moved or not.
We are replacing the burner because is not working properly, tried to fix it a few times but its on its last days. We got a quote that seems ok for new burner. I hope that getting a new one won't smell as much, so for the time being will leave it where it is. Will follow the advise and fit the carbon monoxide alarms, thanks, didn't even ocurred to me!
Still will like to move the oil tank (keroxene) as it takes a lot of space from the patio and we are planning to put a shed in its place. We are thinking on putting good insulating pipes to minimise heat loss, any ideas about cost for these, which ones are the best?

We are thinking on putting good insulating pipes to minimise heat loss, any ideas about cost for these, which ones are the best?

40 euro per metre for pipe in pipe insulated 3/4". It can be done DIY by insulating qualplex and putting into 4" pipe and - never totally ideal.
We are replacing the burner because is not working properly, tried to fix it a few times but its on its last days. We got a quote that seems ok for new burner. I hope that getting a new one won't smell as much, so for the time being will leave it where it is. Will follow the advise and fit the carbon monoxide alarms, thanks, didn't even ocurred to me!
Still will like to move the oil tank (keroxene) as it takes a lot of space from the patio and we are planning to put a shed in its place. We are thinking on putting good insulating pipes to minimise heat loss, any ideas about cost for these, which ones are the best?


A burner costs around 270 euro. I assume you are not changing the whole boiler.
Thanks for all the advise. We had the plumber over and he fitted a new burner. It's made a huge difference, it's not as smoky, noisy and the smell is not as strong. Great!!!