Reliable information on car stereos



I'm looking to change my car stereo and am looking for somewhere that provides reliable information about them.
With most consumer goods there is a website or a magazine dedicated to reviewing the different kinds available, giving you a good idea of the price and giving you an idea of how far up the scale the product sits.
However I can't find this information on car stereos. I can find manufacturer sites by the dozen and plenty of places that want to sell me one, but I can't find anywhere to tell me what the product is like to use or where it is in the scale.
Can anyone help me or is this information simply not online?
Cheers Ronan.
Where would I find a list of car audio fitters in the Limerick area?
I may have to change my speakers soon and I don't fancy having to take the car apart to change them if I could get a pro to do it for me.