Home relevence of previous claim?


Registered User
I made a house insurance claim almost four years ago, for escape of water. Now I'm shopping around for this year's quote, using online insurance providers.

Some sites ask about previous claims, and I can fill in the details; all fine. But other sites simply ask if there were any claims in the past three years (the answer's no), or only ask how many years I have without claims (three).

Am I excluded from using an online quote that doesn't allow me to explicitly enter details of my previous claim? Or does the fact that they ask about claims in the past three years mean that older claims are not relevant to that particular provider?

And if my previous claim is still relevant, then for how long is it relevant? E.g. if I have five more claims over the next thirty years, will I need to record them all on each quotation application forever after?

When getting automated online quotes, read the small print of what assumptions the quote is based on. For some, it may be 'no previous claims', for others, no claims in the last 3 years - and for others still, no claims in the past 5 years.

Most refer to claims in the past 3 or 5 years.
Serotoninsid, thanks for the reply.

Yes, the quotes I looked at had assumptions that there were no claims in the past three years, or no more than two small claims in the past five years, etc. I meet those clauses.

But I know there's an expectation with insurance that the insured party discloses everything relevant. I'm just wondering if that makes a difference when the insurance provider makes statements/assumptions only about claims within the past X years.

Working in the industry I know that claims outside of the 3/5 year cycle are not takin into account. If you want to cover yourself you should take out the cover over the phone with the company. They may even do better on the quote and you can state that you had a claim 4 years ago and the call is recorded so you will not have any issues going forward