Relative with terminal illness - next of kin


Registered User
Im seeking some advice with a situation that I've found myself in.

My aunt is terminally ill and probably has another few months left - at best. She is a widow and has no children. However she does have three sisters but she severed all ties with them following the death of their mother 10 years ago and a dispute over the family home. She has nominated me as her contact person on her hospital records and I have been looking after her general interests. She has given me specific instructions to follow on her death such as funeral arrangements , disposal of personal effects etc. One of the requests was that she did not want the sisters to have access to her home or belongings on her death. I am a keyholder for the home and have access to it.

What I need to know is where do I stand legally if the sisters want to interfere with the property on her death or make changes to the funeral arrangements? My aunt has made a will and she has given me her solicitors details. I am anxious that her last requests are fully honoured.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Do you know who is nominated as executor in her will? On her demise, all authority is vested in her executor, albeit on a provisional basis until probate has been granted. If she has made it clear that you have next of kin status while she is still living (as with the hospital) and you are also the executor of her will, it would be difficult for anybody to challenge your position.

Disposal of her personal effects and control of access to her property after death are governed by her will, not by verbal instructions given to you while she is still living.

Do you have a real concern that her siblings might want to interfere?
Thanks for the replies.

Yes she has made it clear that I have next-of-kin status , she spoke to me about it this week and the only advice I could give her was to call her solicitor and ask him to drop in on her to ensure that her wishes are on record.

I have a genuine concern that her siblings will kick up some dust at the time of her death and my only concern is that my aunts last wishes are adhered to. Is it sufficient for me to proceed with the arrangements and refer the siblings to her solicitor or would I need some kind of authority to do that?
I think your position would be stronger if you were executor of her will. Do you know if she has named you as executor?
I can't see how anybody can override you and your sister acting together with the authority she has given you.