Relative died in Arizona


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Not sure were to put this thread.
My Aunt has passed away in Arizona .We were notified by the Gaurds but have no information as she has no family over there and really was by her self.We were given the number for the local gaurds and are going to ring them later to find out what happened. My question is has anybody any experience of the procedures or the State Law.
If she was an irish citizen, the consular division of the department of foreign affairs may be of some help.
She is . We were on to the police over there and they were great. Problem now is we need to get her pps number as her pension company can not find any trace of her.We got a contact for the local church and my mum was talking to one of the nuns.They said they will help out as much as they can.Thanks for your reply Staples.
If she ever worked or claimed benefits here, the Revenue Commissioenrs or Department of Socail Welfare should have record of her RSI (now the PPS) number.