Relationship after legal separation


Registered User
I hope someone can help with a couple of questions. I separated with my wife last year and we both signed a separation agreement. We will divorce in a few years when we have lived apart for 4 out of 5 years as is the requirement in Ireland.
I have met someone else and will move in with them in the coming weeks. Will this affect the terms of my divorce settlement? What if I have children with my new partner? Can my wife "use" this new relationship to secure a better divorce settlement?
I don't know whether to just say nothing to her about it but we have a child together and I would rather just be up front....but then again if this will hurt me financially then maybe best to say nothing.
Obviously I am hoping that a relationship which is formed after the signing of a separation agreement would not impact on the terms of a divorce settlement. When we separated we were told that the terms of the agreement would likely become the terms of a divorce but this was not assured.
would appreciate the help.
I'd imagine when/if it comes to the divorce and you have a new partner/children you would have more dependants so it is unlikely it would affect you adversely. If you have entered into a formal separation then it is unlikely any court would upset that arrangment in any case if both of you had independant legal advice and fully and honestly declared your assets at that time.