Registering car from UK


lynn d

My boyfriend and I have just brought a car in from the UK (just purchased) and will be visiting the Tallaght VRT office to register it. We will be registering the car in my name - do I actually have to go to the office myself or will it be ok for my boyfriend to go on my behalf? Would a letter signed by me giving permission for him to act on my behalf be sufficient? I don't want to have to take time off from work if I don't have to!
Also, we are about to go on holidays so we are unable to register it here until we return - do the VRT office check the date that you brought the car into Ireland? We don't plan to drive the car until we get back.
Sorry another question if anyone can help...the car dealer in the UK completed the New Owners Details on the UK Vehicle Registration Certificate for us - as my boyfriend was purchasing the car on my behalf, the car dealer put in his name as the new owner - am I able to just manually change the name to mine? I'm not sure if the UK car dealer has sent these details to anywhere in the UK.
Thanks for your help
The first thing you must do is make an appointment with the VRT people.
You have to notify them within 1 working day of coming into the country. It doesn't matter if you will be using the car or not.

When you're on to them, then you can ask them all the other questions.

If car is already in country, get onto them immediately. There are big fines for late registration.
The first thing you must do is make an appointment with the VRT people.
You have to notify them within 1 working day of coming into the country. It doesn't matter if you will be using the car or not.

VRO in Tallaght is first come first served, take a ticket at the door. Never heard of making an appoinment. They're not too bothered about the next working day thing either.

UK Change of ownership form doesn't matter here. The VRO will hold onto that and issue a new cert here.

Plenty of threads on this topic already, try the search facility.
Thanks for the information.
Do you know about having someone go the VRO with the car to register on behalf of the registered owner? I had a look on the search facility but haven't been able to find out this information.
Its not a problem getting somebody else to act on your behalf as far as i know. Plenty garage owners send in their staff to register cars.

Well, when I imported my car, I rang the VRO office. (It was christmas time and was dun laoghaire office (now closed)). car wasn't registered for 10 days , but that was okay as I had an appointment. I was moving back from UK so no VRT payable
I think we all have seen people driving around on UK or NI plates for more than one day. i meet a guy every morning for past 6 or 7 months driving a northern reg
It would be a long commute trust me! he pulls out of his gate way every morning, and was 2 years behind me in school, so he aint from north
Well, when I imported my car, I rang the VRO office. (It was christmas time and was dun laoghaire office (now closed)). car wasn't registered for 10 days , but that was okay as I had an appointment. I was moving back from UK so no VRT payable

I know people who waited over a month before registering with no questions asked. I registered mine a week after import, again no questions.
My Uncles bro works in customs - apparently they are starting a major push on enforcing the 1 day rule wef from july 1st -
I heard that too. But its hard catch anyone, unless there caught driving the car. Cause i dont think there is anyway of knowing when it was brought down
I worked with someone who made excuses for about two years before finally being forced to register his car. He kept saying that he was a contractor living temporarily in the country (he was from the UK), which only worked up until the Garda asked him how long he had been temporarily working in the country.
Seem to have started big crack down around border counties this week. I heard Monagahn nearly came to a standstill yesterday, every major road had customs checkpoints. I have also heard they drive around large housing estates in the evening spotting UK/NI cars then run checkpoint in the morning at estate exit.

Navan VRT office ask to make an appointment. They did Januray 2007.
I purchased a UK reg car yesterday and actually stopped in Monaghan for something to eat on the way home. No sign of any customs
I had mine for 6 weeks .. was never stopped, and was asked no questions when I went to register .. I had the original invoice from from the dealer in the north Igot the car from and it had the date of purchase on it.

they did inspect the car and added another 70 euros because it had metalic paint and alloys .. could not believe it.

I asked would it have made much of a difference if I had waited till after july 1st. He said that currently I was paying 30% after july it would be 25 (or 20) ..BUT he said that the they are reviewing the prices of the cars and that they "might" go up .. me thinks they will review the prices so that you will still be charged the same after 1st july .. evening with a reduction in the %

Surely, it is illegal for a government to increase the value of a car so that they can increase the tax income from it. But I wouldn't be surprised if they did, the crooks....
Hi all,

Seem to be a few people on here who have actually brought a car over from the UK. Can anybody tell me exactly hows it's done and if it is a major hassle.
Thanks in advance
VRT is an illegal anti competetive anti european tax.

Our Gov is screwing the motorist for every penny they can.

Would they jack up prices to increase vrt take. No of course not.