Refused access to ESB meter


Registered User
The ESB meter for my parent's shop is in the front hallway of a dwelling next door. The building is more than 125 years old. The previous owner provided access for more than 50 years when the meters needed to be read. All meters for the building are co-located. The new owner is refusing access to the shop tenant and wants it moved. He has purchased all other units in the building. We were happy to comply at our expense but the ESB refused on the grounds that they need a single access point to switch the electricity off to the entire building in the event of a fire.

The new owner continues to refuse entry and has already blocked access to a back laneway where a private right of way exists. We fear that the tenant may leave when the lease is up.

Unfortunately polite dialogue has not resolved the issue. Can the ESB insist that new owner provide access or is a solicitor required? If it is the latter can it be easily challenged and become costly?
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Could ESB Networks install a smart meter to replace the existing meter on the neighbour's premises so that manual reading (which I presume is the main or only reason that access would be needed?) would no longer be necessary?
I’d get this fixed before the tenants lease is up so they’re not inclined to move. Yes you’ve right to access the ESB meter and if you’ve right of way to the laneway get this restored too.
Do you have a fire escape from the rear of the shop that exits this now blocked laneway? If you do then I’d consider this urgent.
Thanks for responding ClubMan and Duddaa. A smart meter would certainly help if the new owner would grant access to the installers. The laneway at the rear provided access to the street and was a potential fire escape route. Obviously that is no longer available.
A smart meter would certainly help if the new owner would grant access to the installers.
Maybe try asking ESB Networks for a smart meter and let them worry about dealing with the neighbour to get access for installation. Maybe they'll refuse to install one or fail to get access but if it works it solves the problem?
You actually have 3 issues, the meter, Health and Safety and the right of way.

Might be worth also reaching out to the Fire service re a building inspection in the circumstances
You actually have 3 issues, the meter, Health and Safety and the right of way.

Might be worth also reaching out to the Fire service re a building inspection in the circumstances
I would not advise approaching Fire department. They'll shut you down and won't allow anyone access if there is an issue. Tread carefully.