Refused a loan...



Someone help me.

I was refused car finance from several establishments, but they all refused to say why. I have been steadily employed for over two and a half years and my wages pass through the bank. I have no history of bad credit, nor do i have any outstanding loans with anyone. I earn a mere €19,000p/a. Could this be the reason? I have only ever applied over the phone or via internet.

No1 will offer me finance. Can anyone help?
It could be because you have no loan history - I have a friend and that is what happened to him. Try the creedit union.

Were you applying for a loan in the bank you get paid in to???
Credit unions are loathe to loan to people who do not have a regular savings history. I was refused a loan with them, despite having half the loan value in savings and saving a few hundred once a month "because I wasn't saving on a more regular basis". I got the impression that if I'd saved 10 quid every week I would have had more chance of getting the loan than saving 500 once a month.

That's my experience anyway - but it's worth a shot I suppose. On the other hand, hubby was refused his first car loan in BOI and got one from his local credit union. Remember you can only borrow 4 times your savings from a CU as well.
Its paid into AIB on a regular basis. I dont have a credit history, but how do you get a credit history if no1 will give you a loan without one?
I know - its a catch 22, but what I have found with the CU, is that they will loan you what you have saved first of all, and when as you build up a history with them they will increase the size they will loan.

but how do you get a credit history if no1 will give you a loan without one
What I would do - is take out a small loan - say €300, pay it off quicker than expected, once the bank see that you are making regular payments you will be ok.
Remember you can only borrow 4 times your savings from a CU as well.

Thats a general rule of thumb but there are many expections once you are well know to the CU. You don't necesarily have to have any savings with them to take out a loan.
Correct me if in wrong but as far as i was aware the CU dont register with the ICB hence people using them to borrow the deposit for a house.

It is a catch 22 but my advise would be to try a bank for a small loan with perhaps a parent going guarentor, pay it back quickly and then try again.

I worked for a finance co and if a person had no credit history they would be refused regardless of what they earned.
Correct me if in wrong but as far as i was aware the CU dont register with the ICB hence people using them to borrow the deposit for a house.

Ok so.. you are wrong! Some Credit Unions do register with the ICB. Also one of the many reasons you are requested to provide current account statements when applying for a loan or mortgage is to show the regular S/O or D/D payments (such as CU loan repayments).

OP, as already suggested I would actually talk to somebody in the Bank that you have your current account with as they may be able to give you a steer.
Someone help me.

I was refused car finance from several establishments, but they all refused to say why........ Can anyone help?

They are not obliged to tell you why they refused you but you can still find out by requesting, under section 4 of the Data Protection Act, 1988 and 2003, a copy of all the information about you that they hold. See [broken link removed]
What I would do - is take out a small loan - say €300, pay it off quicker than expected, once the bank see that you are making regular payments you will be ok.


also i would question the taking out of a car loan. consider saving and buying an older car for cash.