Refusal of request to Inspect property by landlord - refusal of request


Registered User
- House rented to 4 lads
- Landlord wants to visit house and gives notice of intended visit
- 3 of the 4 lads are happy to accommodate this request but one lad is just being awkward and is refusing permission
- Each of the 4 lads are individually named on the lease and are collectively described as "The Tenant"

Does the "non-consenting one" of the 4 tenants have the legal right to withhold permission for the landlord's proposed visit?

Any guidance/comments appreciated.
They need to resolve this collectively. Otherwise I would be interpreting this as a refusal to inspection. If that right to inspection with notice is in their contract and you have given said notice Id be drawing their attention to that in writing.
one lad is just being awkward and is refusing permission

tell him he's won cinema tickets & have the landlord do the inspection when he's out!

More importantly he doesn't have the right to refuse inspections - he can certainly ask for a specific day or time, but not outright refusal.
Ensure correspondence is with all tenants and by email.

Much easier to establish a trail than with WhatsApps.