Refundable deposit on holiday apartment


Registered User
Hi all,

We rented an apartment for 2 nights in the UK. We found it on the internet and dealt directly with the owner. We paid a refundable deposit of £150stg. The apartment was beautiful - a penthouse decorated to a high standard which we got a deal on. There were 4 adults and my 18mth old son. The owner was aware of this and had stated on the site that children were welcome. However, we didn't have a relaxing time as there were cream carpets throughout, and a cream suede sofa and dining chairs. With an 18mth old this was not a good idea so we spent the time being vigilant. It was clear the owner was extremely fussy and made us take our shoes off before we entered the place. When showing us around she asked did we want to pay for cleaning afterwards but I said we'd do it ourselves.
It is now a month later and we haven't received our refundable deposit back. Two emails to her went unanswered so we rang last week. She said she 'presumed we wanted to avail of the cleaning option' so I guess she's planning docking money for that. She also mentioned she was 'checking prices' but for what we don't know and said she would email us the details. We have heard nothing since. On checking the contract she states the money will be refunded within 4 weeks - a timeframe I feel is too long in the first place (in any event that has now passed). I know for a fact we didn't break anything so the only thing I can think of is that there is an issue with a mark or stain on the carpet/sofa or something but I don't know? Is this reasonable? Should you expect some wear and tear as an owner particularly with non child friendly furniture.

Sorry for the long post. Any thoughts?
I think you have had what is generally called "a bad experience." Cream carpets, light coloured chair covers are not a good idea when renting out a place.

But, you want your deposit back and as you caused no damage and cleaned the place yourself you are entitled to the refund. I dont know if there is the equivalent of a small claims court in the UK, but it would be worth a try.
Find out the name of the local radio station and which show is a "Joe Duffy" type show. Next time you speak to or email her, casually mention this.
It wasn't on that site but a similar one. However, the site seems to have a 'guestbook' which from what I can see is controlled by the owner and merely has only 'positive' reviews. I will complain to the site itself however as they say they can suspend an ad if justified (although I doubt they will go that far). I would be suggesting that a) the property shouldn't be advertised as 'children welcome' and b) her condition of 4 weeks to return the deposit is too long (I checked some of the other rentals in the area and none have this long - the average is 1-2 weeks. The deposit is quoted as a 'breakages deposit' and we didn't break anything and surely, while I have a responsibility to try not cause stains or whatever, she should display some basic common sense and not use furnishings of that kind in a rental. The main problem at the moment is that, if she has decided to withhold the deposit for whatever reason that we have the right to be told that and given the reasons why.
I have just read Ballymagashs post again. That stupid landlady of cream carpets and light chair covers is doing my head in. She must be some kind of con artist!!!!
Your security deposit is for breakages, lost or unreturned keys etc. It is not for a broken cup or plate. Your cleaning deposit, if applicable, is for cleaning the apartment after you leave.
The owner cannot keep your security deposit for cleaning. If she is witholding the deposit she has to give you a reason. I would definitely complain to the website owners about this one.
My son rented an apartment in Majorca this year and my bank account was used for the fund transfers. As soon as the apartment owner had the money her friendly attitude changed for no reason whatsoever. I contacted her, 10 days after he returned, looking for my £250 security deposit to be returned via bank to bank transfer, same way as it was sent. I got a very curt reply saying that her terms and conditions were that it would be returned after 28 days. It eventually arrived by cheque in an envelope and not by bank to bank transfer as requested.
A review of this apartment will be written shortly outling both the positive and negative of this rental experience. Others can then decide.
Hi all,

Just an update. Rang the owner this morning and was told that she was drafting an email and it was probably best she just sends that on. I pointed out that she told my husband on the phone last week that she would send it on and didn't. She says the delay is because she is waiting on the phone bill. (i did point out we didn't use the phone but naturally she's not taking my word for it). She says she used to have a timeframe of 8 weeks instead of 4. I pointed out she has gone over the 4 at this stage. The other issue apparently is that we chipped a cup!! I sarcastically asked 'were they expensive cups?". Also, the cleaning - i asked what was the problem specifically. The bin had not been emptied and there were newspapers stacked on the counter and some wine bottles gathered there too!!

The question is - how much of £150stg should that come to???
In fairness if you agreed to clean the apartment before you left this would have included disposing of wine bottles and newspapers and emptying the bin. I am sure there were plenty of places where you could have disposed of these as I do bit by bit whenever I rent.
I agree. We left early in the morning as we were catching a 7.30am ferry. I am not disputing the bin emptying - we had gathered the stuff together but hadn't disposed of it. We have rented in the UK before and this was the first apartment that required us to either clean it or pay to have it done. However, how much should this reasonably cost? If you clean it, should it be to a standard that enables the next guest to come in there? If there is an issue and the owner intends to withhold some of the deposit, is it unreasonable to expect to at least be notified of that soon after departure?

Just thought I'd update. Have now received a mail at last detailing monies being deducted. The owner is stopping £28 for cleaning, £12.50 for the chipped mug and due apparently to a stain on the cream suede dining chair (this is the first we've heard of it despite two phone conversations) £97 to replace the cover as the stain didn't come out. This is detailed as £37 for the cover and £60 for delivery. This is £138 of our £150stg deposit.....

Although it won't get me anywhere, I will complain to the holiday lettings website it was advertised on about the issues we've had and the fact that this apartment states 'children welcome'. The owner appears to take no responsibility for using cream suede and cream carpets - surely the place should be fit for purpose, if you know what I mean.

This has been a costly lesson.......
I would say that you have been totally ripped off here and I would tell the owner that you intend to take a case to the small claims court in the U.K. I would also "review" this apartment wherever I could. On the Tripadvisor forum for the area that you rented you could also, without naming the owner or address, warn people off. If she can play dirty so can you, I mean bed bugs are terrible things.....

Thanks for the reply. Am in the process of drafting an email to the owner detailing the issues that I have had. I feel that we should have been notified that there were issues which would affect our deposit as soon as we left and the property was inspected - not 5 weeks later. Otherwise, how are we to know that the damage was not done in the intervening weeks by another tenant? I didn't think we could go to the small claims court as we are resident in Ireland? Also, I doubt they would find in our favour.
There was a very interesting thread on Tripadvisor on the Antibes forum last year. A family rented an apartment there that had bed bugs and they had to to leave after two nights. They requested their money back from the owner who refused.
They took a case to the small claims court and they were refunded the full amount. I would think that the small claims court would be sympathetic to your case.

What was the website that you used?

Personally I try not and rent apartments where there are security deposits or cleaning fees or where you can't write a review. There are plenty of them about.

I also think that some owners hope that you will forget about the security deposit. You normally have to pay this 6 weeks before you go and don't often get your refund until 4 weeks after you return. Some people might forget.
You agreed to clean the apartment , you left bottles & garbage behind you. If I were to rent it after you & came in & found your garbage, bottles etc I wouldn't be too pleased. Going on what you said about leaving early in the morning , you couldn't have cleaned up the place properly unless you were up since 4.00 am doing it.
They most likely had to go & clean everything after you again, mop floors etc
Did you actually clean it properly or just give it a quick lick & run.
I have a holiday rental in France and its stories like this that makes many visitors shy away. It is difficult to know what advise to give apart from reading your contract carefully before signing. 4 weeks is an excessive amount of time to hold a security deposit in the first place. Most owners that take them, (and alot don't) return on departure or within 5 days. I am suprised at the colour scheme in the apartment if it accepts children. Most owners that have very expensive decorations don't accept very young children so my sympaties are with you there. You did slip up by agreeing to do the cleaning and not complete it, it gives the owner the oppurtunity to charge you. I think you should ask for receipts for the replaced items and use the reviews to highlight your grievences as advised. We are a number of years renting our apartment and have never yet withheld any of the security deposits and my experience with other owners is similar.