Refund on VISA - treated like a payment?


Registered User
In January, we paid a booking deposit on a new car of €1000, with our VISA card. This is on our most recent bill (due early March).We have paid the rest of our visa bill (apart from the €1000) in full as usual.

The €1000 deposit was refunded on to the Visa today.

Does anyone know will the refund be seen as a payment of €1000 (and thus clear our bill)? Or will it be offset against our February spending which won't show up until our next bill in March.

In other words do we have to find €1000 to pay this months bill off completely or will the refund do that for us? I phoned UB Visa but the lady couldn't grasp what I was asking. Hope it makes a bit more sense written down. Sorry if it's too confusing!
Im nearly sure that Refunds are treated as payments- As after all the are credits to your account.
Sounds like the 1000 eur refund allows you pay your VISA bill in full before the March due date...If this is correct then you should have no issue.
This happened to me before and when I enquired over the phone I was told that even though a refund is made to the account and credited to it - it is not classed as a payment so in your position I would contact them again and try to clarify the matter.