Reform of Marriage Law 2007: ypes of venues that will be approved?


Registered User
can anybody shed any light on the reform of marriage law 2007 relating to the types of venues that will be approved.

Trying to plan my wedding for 2009 and would like to hold ceremony in hotel but any hotel manager I speak to doesn't know anything about it. I am assuming that many hotels will seek approval from HSE to hold ceremonies there but I have no guarantee.
My dilemma is that 2009 dates are filling up fast and I am running out of time to book something. Any advice ?
Re: Reform of Marriage Law 2007

The law is quite vague on this so far, there is another thread around here somewhere where it is discussd - there is a large grey area to the tune of what constitutes a tasteful venue. I would advise you ring the registry office and ask them about it. Hotel managers wont know.

Would you not book your hotel and if you cant have the ceremony in it just have the ceremony in the registry office and go to the hotel for the reception?

Im having much the same issues as you - although I plan to book a venue rather than a hotel so Im not running out of time to the same degree. But I still dont know if Ill be able to have the actual civil ceremony in my chosen venue.
Re: Reform of Marriage Law 2007

Well have about 130 guests who are very close friends and family and couldnt imagine the ceremony without any one of them. The hotel we have in mind dont know anything about the reform and how it will affect them but can suggest 4 different on premises options for the ceremony for us and all our guests. Its a reputable 4 star hotel I reckon if it doesnt get approved then what will ?!:confused:
Re: Reform of Marriage Law 2007

Ring your local Registrar. They will give you an idea of the procedures and some indication of whether you can rely on these reforms for your plans.
Re: Reform of Marriage Law 2007

yes all you can do is ring your local registrar - they will have the answers for you.

wow - 130 close friends and family that you want at the actual ceremony - that is a lot of close friends and family - ill be lucky to scare up 10 :)
Re: Reform of Marriage Law 2007

The Hotel should be putting their back into this a bit better for you - don't they want the bit of extra business that they'll profit from by holding marriage ceremonies?

You could provisionally book a couple of places just in case your original choice doesn't meet the criteria, or you could ask the Hotels Federation about guidance being given to their members regarding the new arrangements?
Re: Reform of Marriage Law 2007

Have to laugh when I see the requirements will be 'what constitutes a tasteful venue'. I got married in a registery office in Ireland and the magnificient venue was the boardroom of a hospital.
Re: Reform of Marriage Law 2007

It will be possible for civil marriages after the above date to be held at venues other than Registry Offices, provided the venue has been inspected and approved by the HSE in advance of the marriage ceremony and subject to a Registrar being available to solemnise a marriage at that venue on the date in question

The above directly from the General Register Office website - the above date being Nov 2007.

You can bet that the HSE are not sending Registrars out to inspect venues unless expressly asked to do so by a couple wishing to wed.

You would think Hotels/Country Houses etc would be jumping in and getting approval as a means of gaining more business though.
The law is quite vague on this so far, there is another thread around here somewhere where it is discussd - there is a large grey area to the tune of what constitutes a tasteful venue. I would advise you ring the registry office and ask them about it. Hotel managers wont know.

Would you not book your hotel and if you cant have the ceremony in it just have the ceremony in the registry office and go to the hotel for the reception?

Im having much the same issues as you - although I plan to book a venue rather than a hotel so Im not running out of time to the same degree. But I still dont know if Ill be able to have the actual civil ceremony in my chosen venue.