Referring to People as Sir/Ma'am: Usage of these terms in Ireland?

I don't think I've ever come across it and I'm amazed that anyone would do this - it's just unbelievably unprofessional. Never mind possible commercial suicide too.

I once rang the main phone number for AIB Group HQ at about 8:30 in the morning and got on to what I can only assume was the 'security hut'. I just wanted to get/check an email address for an employee. The reply to my query was in best Dublineese with a number of expletives and taking of the lord's name in vain. Basically trying to help me, but explaining that email was too high-felutant for him! I was left thinking that if I was an American ringing to do business with them, they would never hear from me again!

Would have been funny if he said all this but ended each sentence with 'sir' or 'ma'am' - really would have confused the Americans!