References to searching & posting guidelines


Registered User
Re: New Business

Moderator note: split from this thread where, ironically, it was off topic in breach of the .

-- ClubMan

Clubman, you are either telling people to search the forum for answers moving posts or refering to FAQ. This is an informal forum where people want to engage with others. I off putting for people who have to think alot before they post a query, and could still be nabbed. I know we should be specific before relax the rules a bit.

Re: New Business

Oh dear!!!!

Clubman = 14,535 posts
dockingtrade = 6 posts

My money's not on the new guy!!!!
Re: New Business

The advice about making your thread titles meaningful, and/or using the excellent search facility, is only trying to help the poster. If his title is vague, people won't bother clicking on it - if specific, there is a greater chance that people who have direct knowledge will read it, contribute advice, and thus help the poster.

Likewise with the search facility - I know if I see a query which has been asked a million times before (or which I could reasonably assume has been asked before, such as 'How much of a mortgage can I get?') then I won't bother clicking on it to try and help the poster - generally I feel if they can't be bothered doing a bit of research themselves first on google or the AAM search facility, they're not that bothered about their query in the first place.

I also find re-reading your post before you click the 'Submit Reply' button helps others enormously when trying to decipher what the poster means...
Re: New Business

Call it what you like dockingtrade, I was merely pointing out that respecting the posting guidelines will inevitably make the exercise far more worthwhile for the OP, and will enable the best chance of him getting a meaningful response to his query.

While it is a 'discussion forum' it also helps to have some kind of structure - people don't bother scanning every single post in case there might be something of interest to them.

Oh, and on the whole re-reading posts thing, at least scan through your posts so you get the poster's name even semi-correct.

Relax..Loads of people have their posts moved to more appropriate sections and and get told to seach for certain topics before reasking the same old questions.
It's a like it or lump it situation..But the site is great do you may as well go with the flow and see how you get on..
Consider it a time and motion survey, the less time people have to spend reading posts that have already been answered the more time they have to devote to new queries. In this way more new queries get answered and the store of searchable information grows.
I for one get very irritated seeing the same questions come up over and over again. I really can't be bothered to answer something that has clearly been answered before or is already a key post.
Key posts are there for a reason
Also, if someone has a question, I don't understand why they wouldn't search the forum to get an answer immediately, instead of posting the question and having to wait a few hours for a reply!!!
If they find a post that comes close to answering their query I would rather see them continue it than start another thread as this would benefit everyone.
I agree with the general position taken by ClubMan, Sherman etc. I have stopped reading the threads in the mortgages and home buying and property investment sections because the same questions come up over and over again.