Hi! My friend is working for an organisation for almost 6 months. She can't do the hours they want, but can do less - 22hrs instead of 30. This has been an ongoing battle and my friend has said she will look for another job when they say this to her, but the company has always kept her on.
However, she got a new job, but now the manager in her current job is getting really shirty and saying that he will just say the dates and length of time she has worked there including her job title and final salary, but no more.
Maybe a lot of companies do this nowadays, but my friend is worried. She feels that if nothing else is said, it makes it look like there were problems when she worked there (my friend does a good job - but is working at entry level when she was a manager preiously in another company, and now has been offered a managerial position in this new company pending references). Manageme3nt where she is knew that she was overqualified for the job and that she was looking to get back into management.
Does a mere dates and time reference look bad? I think it does but I'm out of touch with the business world. If questions like - did she leave of her own accord etc. cannot be answered, doesn't that look like my friend could have been dismissed or something?
Comments/advice welcome.