Referal from dentist in Dublin to North

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I know I have similar running but here it goes, my dentist will not refer wife to a dentist in the north for a wisdom tooth to be surgically removed as this is his something he has never done, do you know of a dentist in south Dublin that will refer to the north, reason been cant afford to get it done here ie 1500E in the north can get it for 200 Sterling thanks sorry for double posts but she is in alot of pain
my daughter got 4 wisdom teeth extracted this time last year. the consultant was €600 and the bons in glasnevin for an overnight was about €800 ( only necessary because she was getting all 4 extracted at the one go. Bupa covered most of the cost ( not all because she is in the most basic bupa plan) and you can claim tax relief on anything over €125 or thereabouts. In those circumstance €1500 for one appears to be overcharging. the consultant in my daughters case was a michael halpenny (from the expensive part of dublin )and thankfully she had no pain or problems afterwards. only missed about 1 day in college.
If you 'know' you have a similar thread going, why are you posting in duplicate?

Please keep discussion to this thead.

If the title of the original thread needs to be changed to better reflect the question, I will do so.
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