Reeling in the Years series on RTE - DVD?



Hi all,

Does anyone know if RTE's series 'Reeling in the years' is available on DVD? If it is, where can I get it?

Hi Bluebean

I heard one of the production guys being interviewed when the series was aired and explained that there is not and is never likely to be a DVD of the series. He explained that the copyright issues were too many, too complex and too expensive to make it possible.

Sorry it's not a happier story for you.
rte dvd

I agree. It's a splendid programme and should be on DVD.

But I don't think it is. What you can get is [broken link removed].It does cost about 60 euro but from what I've heard from other people who've bought it, it's really worth it.
Re: rte dvd

The RTE 7 Ages DVD looks like a good Christmas present for my list. Would it work in the States?
Re: rte dvd

I bought the excellent RTE series Batcelors walk series one for my blister who lives in the states and there was no prob. with the dvd as it was resion free (0).

I hope it's the same with this dvd as she's getting this one as well.
Re: rte dvd

7 Ages is a good one alright. Bought it for the in-laws a couple of Christmas's ago and it's been in our house since

About RITY, [broken link removed] as to why there'll probably never be a DVD. Shame.

Ah thats a shame. But I guess the copyright stuff could be difficult alright, when there is such a broad range of topics etc. on that programme.
Back to the drawing board for a gift idea so. Off to take a look at the 7 ages dvd now.

thanks for all the replies.
Re: re

Buy a DVD recorder, so next year when RITY is re-run again you can record it.
