Redundany, married and entitlements


Registered User
I have been looking at the posts in this forum and at However im not sure about entitlements. If anyone could help it would be great.

My boyfriend is working but may be made redundant. I am on disability allowance. He has proposed and asked me to move in and get engaged. If my boyfriend is made redundant what will our entitlements be if we get married and he cant get another job?

Also if we get married and he gets part time work how does that affect our entitlements?

Thanks in advance.
If you move in with your boyfriend while he's still working, your Disability Allowance payment will have to be reviewed. Because it's a means-tested payment, your entitlement will be re-assessed to take his earnings into account.

If your boyfriend becomes unemployed, he can sign for Jobseeker's Benefit (based on his PRSI contributions). If he gets part-time work, he may be able to claim some Jobseeker payment, depending on the hours and earnings.

Either of these situations can also affect your payment.