It’s usually quiet individual, but If you know the package on offer, you can work out the tax free portion from the formulas provided by revenue, citizens information etc for the 3 different methods:
1) basic exemption , or
2 increased exemption (if you haven’t been made redundant in the last 10 years), or
3) SCBC (hardest to calculate, but most beneficial if you’ve been in a job a long time on good salary)
the best answer from the above will be your tax free portion.
the statutory part is always tax free.
Example avg earning 1k per week, worked 10years, and no pension lump sum, and package =4wks per year worked (40k), then the basic exemption = 10,160+7650
increased= basic +10k
SCBC=52k x10/15= 34,666, so this is most beneficial, and balance is taxable.
gets more complicated the pension lump sums and waivers etc.