Redundancy payment entitlement



I am employed by Firm A and work solely for one of their clients, Client B.

The contract with Client B is being terminated and they have offered me statutory redundancy payments.

Firm A will be able to offer me further employment, in a different role, with a different salary working with their other clients, not just one.

Will I be entitled to take the redundancy payment and continue working for Firm A?

Thank you
Why would client b offer you redundancy,you don't work for them? If this is a contractual thing surely the payment belongs to your employer.
Yes it is in my firm's contract that Ckient B will pay my redundancy costs. My firm is trying to work out if I am entitled to the payment and to continue working for them. We are trying to get as much money out of the contract termination as possible.
Does Firm A Pay your salary.?

It sounds like they have a clause in their contract with Client B that they would pay your redundancy costs

If A does not make you redundant you are not entittled to rendunancy.

I'll see if I can find some backup links later
Thank you

Yes, Firm A pays my salary. The new role will be substantially different from the work I was doing for Cleint B.