Redundancy payment 6 weeks query


Registered User
Hi there,
My company have just offered me a 6 week redundancy payment, however when the details came through it was for the 2 statutory weeks and 4 weeks, am I entitled to the balance of the statutory amount and my weekly wage? otherwise this offer would be 5.5 weeks not 6 weeks?
Statutory is 2 weeks a year,plus one extra week.
So,if you've worked there 10 years,your statutory is 21 weeks,and your offer 60 weeks(ie the company tops up the statutory by 39 weeks).
I'm not sure where the 5.5 weeks calculation comes from.
The statutory is limited to €600 so if the OP is on more than that then it's not 6 weeks pay, its say €600 x 2 plus €800 x 4 = €4,400 rather than €4,800.
I think the op meant to say 'am I entitled to the balance between the statutory amount and my wage'.
Get back into HR for clarification.
Sorry thats what i meant, I did ask HR and afraid its not 6 weeks its 2 wks statutory and 4 weeks - many thanks for your help