Hi all,
Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the following scenario;
Wife is being made redundant (voluntarily) and the required 4 week notice period has been given. However, as she was coming to the end of her maternity leave 3 weeks before the VR decisions were being made, her company 'agreed' to put her on unpaid leave for an additional 2 months, which, conveniently enough for the company, would cover the 4 week notice period. When I say 'agreed', they told her thats what they were doing.
This appears to be a fast one pulled by the company to avoid paying pay in lieu of notice.
Anyone think she's entitled to PILON?
At no point did they explain to her that this would affect her PILON entitlement, and it appears the company was being disingenous with the unpaid leave. Otherwise she would have just gone back to work and worked out the remaining 2 months. I'm furious, because it appears they have pulled a fast one here.
(I should add that they haven't yet confirmed whether PILON will be paid, so this may all be for nothing!)