Redundancy, I need help or advice please.


Registered User
Last week I was told my job working as a supervisor would no longer be required as my boss had lost a big contract, they said they could offer me a role as a normal worker with no title for less pay, and said the redundancy would be statutory. I've decided to accept it and move on, however my boss is looking for me to put in writing I'm accepting voluntary redundancy.

I spoke with Citizens information and they said it would be compulsory redundancy due to the fact the other role I was offered was not reasonable due to being offered less money and a loss of title. I queried this with my boss and they said they outlined what happened and tried to be as fair as they could and it would be voluntary redundancy. Are they right??

Any advice is appreciated..
What is the difference in treatment of Voluntary v Compulsory?

It's clear your boss is leveraging giving you a new job to make you sign for Voluntary redundancy.

Are you certain you will now do a normal job, or will you still have supervision duties at a lower pay grade?
I believe if its voluntary you will be excluded from claiming Unemployment benefit for an extended time. I'd push for a larger ex-gratia payment.
So you're effectively making yourself unemployed for social welfare purposes as regards benefits. But as she's getting another job I suppose it doesn't matter.
It’s not voluntary if your job is gone. An employer is required to look for suitable alternatives. The offer of another job at less pay isn’t a suitable alternative but it may be that the employer is seeking to at least make the impression that he’s making some effort in this regard.

Statutory redundancy is of course the least you can be paid. Employers sometimes offer an enhanced package but normally with the quid-pro-quo that you sign a waiver effectively giving up any employment rights that you subsequently might otherwise have invoked (e.g. if it transpired that your old job was filled by another person, you could claim unfair dismissal but not if you’ve waived your rights).

Whatever you do, don’t waive your rights unless it’s made worth your while. Well worth your while.