Redundancy consultation periods ?


New Member

I've read on the wrc & citizens advice pages that people in collective redundancy must get 30 days notice period and then their redundancy notice time (depending on lenght of service).
I work for a multinational company and the only person being made redundant in Ireland, can my company run the consulatation and notice period in parallel ?

If you are the only one, it’s not a collective redundancy. It would have to be x many people (min 30 I think), or 10% of the workforce involved to qualify.
If you are the only one, it’s not a collective redundancy. It would have to be x many people (min 30 I think), or 10% of the workforce involved to qualify.
Collective redundancy doesn’t apply in this instance so there are no obligations regarding a consultation period. There is however a notice period. The relevant information is here.

It seems odd that a multinational, presumably with a good number of staff, would have just a single position up for redundancy. A company contemplating redundancy is required to pursue alternatives within the company for the workers concerned.

Are you satisfied that it’s the position itself that’s becoming redundant rather than anything more personal?
thanks for all the replies. To answer some of the questions, yes I am the only person being made redundant in Ireland (there is only a handful of us here (all remote). There are others being made redundant all over the world. In my case, I'm the only person doing the position in Ireland so I don't believe its personal.
I'm currently in the consulatation period and they are trying to fine me alternative work elsewhere within the company. I have raised the queries with the notice period and I am awaiting their reply.
In my experience in dealing with such companies , there isn’t always an appreciation that employment law is different in Ireland and that, generally, employees are better protected.

My advice would be to throughly study the links to the WRC and citizens information websites and make sure that you’re afforded the rights to which workers in Ireland are entitled.