My wife is eligible to take redundancy from her current company, her job is a niche job and was wondering if she takes the redundancy, what happens if she doesn't get a job when her stamps run out, will she be intititled to Job seekers allowance?
I have my own ltd company which she is a director of but gets no finacial gain from it, does this affect her position...
When her jobseekers Benefit runs out and she still has no work she will be offereed jobseekers Allowance which is a means tested payment. It would be based on joint income.
If she is not successful in jobseekers allowance means test she should continue for credits to protect her future entitlements
Rememebr too that if she takes voluntary redundancy, she can be disqualified from recieving JB for up to nine weeks which will reduce the length of time JB is payable.