Reduced Stamp Duty Rates


Registered User
A lot of new build houses on myhome have reduced stamp duty written in the brochure.

What is the stamp duty reduction in a new build, for owner/occupier, not FTB and house size is over 125sqm.

Usually they are one or two house that have been developed on a site.

Does this help
From revenue website
the chargeable consideration in the case of a new house/apartment with a floor area in excess of 125 sq. metres, acquired by a person for occupation as his/her only or principal place of residence, is the greater of the site value or one quarter of the total value of the house/apartment (less Vat).

So it would be 9% of the land value or 25% of the value of the build depending on which had the greater value. Is that correct.

Thanks a million
My understanding is that it is the chargeable consideration (which is defined in my previous post) that is liable to stamp duty at the relevant rate (see below)

So if the land value is 100K and the building (less vat) costs 400K there is no stamp duty payable.

If the land value is however 200K and the building costs 400K the SD is payable at 3% of 200K

Rates of Stamp Duty
Less than €127,000 Exempt ............Exempt
€127,001 - £190,500 Exempt .................3%
€190,501 - £254,000 ......3%................. 4%
€254,001 - £317,500 .....3.75%............. 5%
€317,501 - £381,000 .....4.5% ...............6%
€381,001 - £635,000 .....7.5%.............. 7.5%
Over £635,000 .............9%..................9%