I hope someone can shed some light additionally to the CitizenInfo site:
On Thursday rooster was put up highlighting that some people are not required to work their contractial 39h from next week, starting Monday onwards. No Meeting from Manager took place to inform employee, no communication in general other than the rooster sheet and Manager's right hand informally telling some people. Not every employee in the place is affected. Working hours were reduced by 2,5h but work load remains the same and place is already understaffed i.e. the workload used to be done by 2 but is now done by 1 who is struggling as it is.
What can employee do here? What are his/ her rights? It is not a clear cut potential redundancy/ lay off situation because as said, the work load remains the same but employee is expected now to do it within a shorter time and ultimately less wage. How does he legally cover himself if for example performance review comes up. As he's expected to do same work load in less time, how can he avoid going down a disciplinary route i.e. Manager telling him he is under-performing when he really isn't.