I'm currently changing mortgage companies. I took out my current mortgage 2 years ago - it's for 635k over 35 years, fixed rate 4.69% but paying interest only. I sought redemption figures in Dec and was quoted 639.979e. Getting nearer to sealing the deal with the second bank now so sought the up to date redemption figure - it has now soared to 645,711e!!!!!!!! Almost a 6k difference in a month!!! Does this sound right?? I spoke with a person in the redemtions dept - she told me a standard equation is used to calculate the figure and the huge increase is due to the 2 ECB drops since Dec. I know if I wait til the end of my fixed rate agreement (Oct 09) I won't have to pay the "break fund fee". But al the paperwork is done now, solicitor engaged etc so waiing will end up costing.... Does this huge increase sound correct??