Red Wine on Carpet


Registered User
Have spilled Red wine on light coloured (new) carpet. Tried removing with salt but no success.
Anyone have any ideas for how to remove??
i did the same recently. Keep the salt on it for as long as possible it does make a difference. then get vanish stain remover for carpets, should do the job
White wine is also said to be very effective for removing red wine stains- but I think you need to use it before the red wine dries into the carpet.
A squirt of soda water always seemed to work, though I guess it depends on the material the carpet is made from.
just a note on using salt on redwine. The idea is to pile on a load of salt so that it will draw the red wine out of the carpet and then to sweep/ hoover up the salt.
If you leave the salt on the red wine for a long period of time it can set the stain making it more difficult to remove.

I've never tried this but I've heard it recommended. you get a piece of brown paper and place it over the wax then put a iron on very low on top of the paper - in theory that should melt the wax and the paper should soak it up... Good luck.
Anyone ever ring the Persil Careline. 1850 445555. They should be able to help
gnashers said:
I've never tried this but I've heard it recommended. you get a piece of brown paper and place it over the wax then put a iron on very low on top of the paper - in theory that should melt the wax and the paper should soak it up... Good luck.

Yeah, I think I saw Bez (of Happy Monday's fame) demonstrating this on his slot he used to have on the big breakfast a few years ago!