Recycling - don't have a car


Registered User
if I'm buying a tv from Komplett or any other Internet sales company, what can I do with my old tv? I don't have a car and my closest recycling centre is miles away.

I assume Komplett wouldn't come and pick up the old one, and I assume Argos or the like wouldn't accept an old tv without me buying a replacement there. Does anyone know if this is the case.

Otherwise, do some councils organise monthly-quarterly recycling pickups for large waste items? As far as I know, Dublin 1 doesn't and I can't find any info about it in the site (only about hazardous waste pickups)

I've sent an email to anyway about the lack of pickups, but I was just wondering how other people without cars go about this.
Komplett have to take back the old tv subject to it being available as per the rules below and should say as much on their website. (don't seem to however, a job for the EPA methinks)

Don't accept the delivery unless they accept to take the other back, Its the law.