Recruitment agency start up.


Registered User
Hi all,

I come from a construction management background and I am looking towards setting up a recruitment / labour supply business, primarly supplying construction labour to the UK and Holland.

I would intend setting up an Irish Ltd company recruitment agency based in Ireland recruiting Irish workers with Irish PPS numbers to work in Holland. These workers would also be mananaged in Holland by my company. (I would be applying for E101 certificates for these employees, therefore they would be retained on Irish Stamp but would pay income tax in Holland) I would set up and register a uk ltd company with an office in UK to handle the Uk side. The workers recruited in the UK would be UK Nat ins number holders paying UK Income tax. I would appreciate any advise or information that anyone can offer.

I would be particularily interested in hearing from anyone who has experience in this sector with a view to discussing potential cooperation / involvement ect.