Recommond a restaurant in Howth


Registered User
Two friends coming to say for a weekend soon and we want to go to Howth on the Saturday night for dinner. We dont want anything majorily expensive but nice all the same. Probably woudnt make the "early bird menus" as most likely wont get out there till 8ish. Has anyone been to "Cibo" upstairs - is the menus same as downstairs, or what is the difference.

Another option we were looking at was "Deep".

Would anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
try Aqua, they have a decent early bird menu, good food and as they are directly in the harbour, you have a fantastic view directly at the sea ...
Paulo Tullio reviewed Deep in Howth at the weekend - see here [broken link removed]
I have no connection with the restuarant but reading this I would not mind trying it out