Health Insurance Recommended insurance plans


New Member
Hi all,

Following on from: TLDR:
Family member 1 had arthritis.
Family member 2 has cancer but surgery and it looks like it’s gone for now at least.
I’m looking to get these 2 family members a plan before they hit 13 weeks out of insurance, but I’m completely lost. I can’t make much sense out of the HIA website.

I’ve just realised that the Laya Inspire plan that I’ve seen recommended by a lot of people online doesn’t have “full orthopaedic cover” after using the HIA website. This could be bad news for family member 1 considering their health issues.

Few questions:

1) On the HIA website I can see options like “full orthopaedic cover” etc. but if I select say a laya plan that has this I can’t see this mentioned anywhere on Laya’s site, am I missing something?

2) With a budget of €1300 ish a year (ideally lower, but sure look), what would you recommend for a person with arthritis and another that has had live saving cancer treatment last year? Most important thing is cover for serious surgeries and maybe consultants. Day to day is a bonus.

Edit - both are in their 50s, so no need for maternity etc etc
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Another question: is high tech hospitals key? Or can most surgeries just be done elsewhere? I’ve so many questions and so lost
Whatever about the person with arthritis, I would really be looking at getting a good policy for the cancer issue. 1300 ish a year will get you a policy but they will be very high excesses and low cover for everyday expenses. I recommend you look at Connect simplicity or Control 300 Create.
Both have quite decent day to day expense cover and there's is no shortfall on the Ortho with the Control 300 Create policy. They both cost around €1650.00 but The Control 300 Create is jumping up by around 300 euro from 1st Oct :-(
Look at the Laya website, it will give you differrent options to choose from.
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I just found precision 150 connect and ConnectChoice (this one looks very good to me?), that any use? I’d love to find something similar to Laya Inspire but without the 20% orthopedic cost.

@Greenleaf Yeah unfortunately the family members don’t currently have employment and I’m left paying for them. Don’t think I could afford those plans
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