Recommendations on new bank account


Registered User

I am currently banking with BOI and would like to open another bank account to handle household expenses, mostly direct debits such as mortgage, gas bills etc etc.

Any recommendations of an account type and institution that I should look at opening an account with? Will mostly be using it for direct debits and any costs associated to my home.

Also is there any service I can use to transfer a number of direct debits from one account to another?

You need a current account for direct debits.

You'll have to pay double fees, unless you can satisfy the increasing number of conditions.

PTSB have the easiest terms to satisfy.
....PTSB have the easiest terms to satisfy.

Thats true, they certainly tick the box for cheap and cheerful (well, free subject to monthly lodgement), but have to say as someone who moved from Danske (fee paying accounts) to their free banking, they are very primative - both in terms of their basic online service and when it comes to dealing with anything more than the very basic stuff.