Recommendations for wedding wine


Registered User
Hi all,

I'm getting married in two weeks and have yet to organise the wine for the wedding (I know I've left it late!) . We are having 100 guests and reckon we would need at least 50 bottles? What is the usual breakdown of red/white?
Also can anyone recommend any good deals at the moment. We don't have enough time to travel to France or go up north. We are living in Galway. Our hotel wines start at €20/bottle!

We were thinking of a Red Fleurie and a White Pinot Grigio.
All opinions welcomed.

Hi Maggs,

What is your budget? There are some great deals in Supervalu and Dunnes at the moment. Also Lidl have excellent wine for around 5.50 a bottle. A friend of mine bought a really nice Chianti there and everyone was saying how nice it was at the wedding.
What is the hotel charging for corkage? If it is around €10 or more, it might be worth trying to negotiate a cheaper price on the hotels house wines. Also if you bring your own wine you may run out, or on the other hand have loads left over.
Hotel is charging €4/bottle corkage (down from €7 a few months ago), so it is worth buying our own wine.
I would pay €10-€12 max per bottle.
What ratio of red/white is common?

We went 50:50 but 60% white and 40% red would have been better. We had quite alot left over, but we'd agreed to return all uncorked bottles to the supplier without a restocking charge.
Interesting, Mucker Man. I would have thought red wine was more popular, but maybe that's because I like it! Will probably go 50:50 then.
White wine does tend to be more popular - particularly with people who like to make spritzers, by adding lemonade to their wine. Can't recall ever seeing anyone do this with red wine!
HI - I recently ordered wine from:
no assocation but rang the owner, sean bennett who delievers cases
of 20 bottles for a delivery charge of GBP8. It worked out fantastic and I
will definitely be ordering from him again.
Even though I have access to wine wholesalers, I still advised my sister to just go sample a few special offers from O'Briens and bulk buy the ones she liked - they also gave her an extra 10% off for buying in bulk. I cant tell you it was a great success just yet as the wedding isn't for a fortnight ;-)
On the ratio thing, the reason its 60% white to 40% red is that red wine drinkers will drink white, but white wine drinkers do not tend to drink red. Many ladies who normally drink red wine will go for white at a wedding to avoid the staining of teeth and lips that you get from red wine, not to mention the catastrophe of getting red wine spilt on an outfit. I'm normally a red wine drinker, but at a wedding would often go for the white wine...
Quick question re corkage, I am a non wine drinker but will be organising wine for small wedding (approx 50 people). The restaurant is charging 15euro per bottle for corkage, the cheapest bottle of wine they have is 28e! Is it worth buying wine ourselves or should we just go with the restaurant's wine?
Quick question re corkage, I am a non wine drinker but will be organising wine for small wedding (approx 50 people). The restaurant is charging 15euro per bottle for corkage, the cheapest bottle of wine they have is 28e! Is it worth buying wine ourselves or should we just go with the restaurant's wine?
€15 for corkage? Before doing anything about choosing where to get the wine, I'd try to haggle on that! That's very high, and would even have been considered very high a couple of years ago.

In answer to the first question, [broken link removed] deliver for €7.50 flat rate. No connection, bar liking some of their wines. They are stockists for quite a few restaurants, so they would likely be able to offer advice on what would go down well.