Recommendations for Self Storage units.


Registered User
Hi all,

wondering about various options, prices, and peoples experience.

containers make me nervous about moisture, but maybe this is unfounded?

what are people paying and generally for how long?
Did it a few years back for about a month in one of those self storage places near Dublin Airport - can't recall the name, but they all seem to have a similar set up.

Went fine, good set up / security. Clean & dry. Hauling the stuff in & out was the biggest problem - i.e. too much stuff & probably dont need the half of it.

Most reputable storage providers take certain steps, to ensure that individual containers are not at risk of dampness. If you look closely, you'll see that they are slightly raised off the ground, for example.

Some also provide a delivery and collection service, if you are considering using the 40ft shipping container options, for example. This was certainly an option at Self Storage Dublin (who also have depots in Ashbourne and Duleek), in times past.
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