recommendations for good family car?


Registered User
hi there - I know NOTHING about cars and would appreciate some recommendations - I am looking for a good family car/ SUV..with enough room for 2 baby seats.. We also seem to spend a huge amount of time hauling stuff (bikes/ surfboards etc..)n around the place.. My commute is approx an hour a day each way so fuel consumption would be important.. I really do like the Toyota Rav and Hyundai jeeps but think hubbie would have ecological/ ethical melt down if we bought one - any compromise possible? Diesel maybe? Whats wrong with Diesel anyway?? Am looking to spend anywhere from 25-30k.. Advice appreciated!!
Re: recommendations for good family car??

Audi A4 Avant (estate) diesel, 2nd hand ... stylish, economical, room for haulage, reliable...
Re: recommendations for good family car??

New Ford Mondeo Zetec 1.8 Tdci hatchback including metalic for approx 30k in July and road tax will be reduced to approx.€290
Should think about a Skoda Octavia 1.9Tdi, not the best looking car but nice to drive, lots of space and very reliable.
If considering a Skoda Octavia 1.9di wait until July. Due to its low emissions the road tax and VRT drop dramatically.
If considering a Skoda Octavia 1.9di wait until July. Due to its low emissions the road tax and VRT drop dramatically.

Was looking at this myself last night and was wondering will there really be a drop in the price of the car come July or will the dealers just increase their mark up so no real benefit to customer. I was looking at the Audi A4 1.9 diesel and there is a difference of circa €2k, substantial saving, however I wonder will it be a real saving if I was to wait out until July to purchase?
Don't buy a Hyundai Trajet if you have concerns over fuel consumption. I needed a big car for similar reasons and bought it without thinking it through. The above advice seems very sensible.
Yes it is a good re VRT - some cars should reduce by a few grand but will the dealers pass it on? From a road tax point of view the Skoda Octavia diesel will drop from €600 to €150 because of its low emissions. So if you buy one between now and 30th June you will pay the high tax for the rest of its life while waiting until July will see it at the much lower rate for the rest of its life.
The avensis is a great family car. I've a diesel Luna model and can't fault it.
Nissan Preimera, my wife bought one and it is a great car, she really loves it to bits.

check out a previous post on fitting in car seats in the rear of saloons. you may have to transport more than just your own 2 kids in the future - a granny, a friend of your childs.
1.9 VAG tdi engine is old, and has poor refinement. The 2.0 is much better.