Recommendations for Bungundy or Bordeaux?


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Does anyone have recommendations for things to do or places to see in Bordeaux and Burgundy? Specfically if anyone has done a winery tour or been to a good restaurant? Is it possible to hire bikes and cycle around?
There's lots to do in Bordeaux. The tourist office runs half day and full day wine tours to the areas in the region - I did the Saurternes one last year and would recommend it. There is a school of wine (near the tourist office again, can't remember the name off the top of my head) and you can do wine tasting courses, etc. here.
St. Emillion is about 45 mins of a drive from Bordeaux, beuatiful little village/town, lots of wine tasting, good restaurants. St. Emillion is a day out and I'd highly recommend it even if you're not a wine buff. there a tower/castle with a viewing point - spectacular views of the surrounding countryside.
No shortage of good restaurants in Bordeaux from the cheap and cheerful where you can get a menu for 15-20 euro, to the more upmarket expensice ones. One in particuliar I enjoyed while there was across the river from Place de la Bourse, I think the area is called La Bastide, the restaurant is on stilts out over the river, really nice. The name escapes me. Place du Parliament has some good small restaurants that are very reasonable.
You can hire bikes from the tourist office. its an easy enough city to cycle around, down around the hangers is a good place to cycle, they have some nice bars and shops down here.
Also, Bordeaux has a number of very good museums, I can dig out the details at home and post them here tomorrow.
I lived in Bordeaux for 3months last year and fell in love with the city, going back in 3 weeks for a long weekend and can't wait!
Can you do your own wine tastings? What I mean is just turn up at a chateau in St Emillion rather than going through the tour guide route??

I'm going there for the World Cup and would like to wander around rather than tie myself down to tours.
yes, you can do your own wine tasting, i can try and get the name of one in St. Emillion, I have it somewhere at home. will you rent a car? i ask because there are a few outside Bordeaux, again, will root out names.
Yea. WIll have a car. I'd like to visit St. Emillion and if there were some chateaux there that had an open tasting area where people could wander in and have a look around etc. and sample the wines it would be good.

I'd prefer a more relaxed kind of place rather than a formal tasting session as I'm not a wine expert :)
Thanks ATgirl, great info.

Yeah we are brining the car with us so we are pretty much playing it by ear. Would really appreciate if you posted the details of the wine tasting or please PM me with more details. I'd rather go by a recommendation from someone than just chose a wine tour at random.

Also could you recommend anywhere nice for a picnic in either of those regions, i have lots of romantic ideas for our trip and its my job to organise this part of it.
Just be aware that of all the French wine areas, Bordeaux is notorious for being more difficult for visitors. It's not that you can't get any access, however, unlike most other areas, the number of places where you can just show up unannounced is much more limited.

It is worth getting a list from the local tourist offce there. Alternatively contact places directly if you have a specific interest in visiting them to arrange a visit.