Recommendation for solicitors on insurance summons

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Does anyone have any recommendations for solicitors that deal in motoring summons in the district court?

I was stopped last year and while I was insured I had forgotten to put up my insurance disc.

The garda impounded my car and I was told to produce my insurance to get the car back.

I produced the insurance certificate and disc the next day and got my car back. However, the guard who inspected my insurance certificate and released my car never entered the fact that he did so on the computer so the garda who stopped me initially issued a summons a number of months later as it appeared as if I hadn't produced the insurance.

I've spoken with the garda who issued the summons and she says it's not a problem and that I'll just have to produce the certificate in court and it'll be grand.

However, as you'd imagine I'm not completely confident in this and would ideally like to have a solicitor there, just in case something else goes wrong.

I got one quote but it was for around 800 inclusive of vat. This is a bit steep, considering it should be only a max of one hour, and I was wondering if anyone had any alternative recommendations or if that's the going rate?
Been through something similar. Save the money, turn up on the day, look respectable, explain your case, and rely on the Judge to do the rest. It worked for me. Even if it doesnt, you have the right of appeal
Thanks for that.

Much appreciated. Think I'll do that as 800 is just too much money.

If anyone else has any recommendations I'm all ears!

Thanks again.
No harm to write to the guard who issued the summons just to remind her about the situation. Write to her via her Superintendent and I doubt she even offer any evidence once you have proof you were insured on that date you were stopped, I doubt you have any worries with the Judge either. And a healthy bank account with no solicitor fees! Good luck!
Thanks everyone for the advice.

Turned out to be a non-event really.

If anyone else is in a similar situation then there is absolutely no need for a solicitor.

When waiting ourside the courtroom you can speak to the Garda who is either listed on the summons or who is representing that Garda. They will ask you to show them your driving license and the insurance certificate that details that you were insured.

Assuming you have these, the Garda will simply instruct the judge to throw out the case as the documents have been produced already.