Recommendation for PC clean/Virus removal shop



Got some serious (I think) Viruses/Spyware problems last night.

Can anyone recommend a reliable shop/company to do a good clean, at a good price?!
As well as the above recommendations, all of the top (free) antivirus and malware software can be got at this location.

Start downloading them and running them until you think youre pc is clean.
After many years cleaning pcs/laptops for friends Ive come to the conclusion that no one piece of software will do everything so its best to try all or combinations of these to clean and protect.

You really should only need one AV, windows defender and a firewall though.

If youve ran all those and you still think have a virus, post your location and a friendly AAMer might get in contact and do it as an ARK* ;). Else, any high street computer shop that does repairs will do it for you, theres also loads of ads up in local shops for guys doing this.

* Act of random kindness
Thanks for the replies folks.

I downloaded and ran Malwarebytes' free Anti-Malware last night and it seemed to do the trick.

I suppose I can't be sure there isn't something still hidden in there but fingers crossed.
I would second Car's recommendation for the site.

Personally, and from feedback for 'techies' (I'm not one at all) AVG free, Superantispyware and using Firefox as opposed to Internet Explorer seems to insulate you from a load of hassle. None of this costs you a cent.

For particular problems, in the past I have contacted Adwareaway (not to be confused with similarly named sites/software) and have found them to be excellent. Some problems fixed by their freeware, some needed full version but it was very cheap and well worth it - twice, I had malware problems that at the time no other crowd could help me with - they fixed it in minutes.
I have a free anti virus programe "hitman pro" and run it once a week it seems to keep the pc clean
Would recommend AVG, excellent free visus software. I uninstalled my Norton for it and everythings grand
If you need help send me a private message and I will be happy to do it for you.
